Man, like most animals in the wild, will prefer to rest, unless he is feeling hungry or has sexual needs. But, unlike animals in the wild, the availability of food and the energetic abundance of this food leads to a harmful imbalance in the human body. Instead of resting when his body is saturated with energy and required to move when the body lacks energy in order to obtain food, the availability of food creates a "continuous" diet that is high in energy and fat. The human body cannot balance this diet, which results in severe metabolic disease.
An important and complementary human trait is routine, the alternative driving force that sets man apart from animals. The patterns of life create peaceful perseverance and allow people to meet the goals that they set for themselves.
In the absence of a basic natural need in the form of hunger, creating a daily activity routine is the optimal way to restore the disturbed balance and return all body and soul systems back to health and stability. A person's success depends on choosing a routine that includes regular activity on a daily basis, while understanding the tremendous contribution that this activity have on them.