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Writer's pictureBiogradient

The role of digital medical monitoring as a solution to reducing hospitalization loads

We are used to thinking that curing an illness is a process of adjusting the treatment or medication and administering the right dose that ends the illness. In practice, however, the healing process is actually performed by the human body itself. The treatment we give the patient will harm the invader or destroy the tumor, but the damage done by the invader or the tumor is actually in the body's power to heal. In viral cases, the role of the treatments is to support and allow the body the process it needs to go through.

This healing process includes the cleansing of damaged cells and tissues, growth of cells and replacement tissues and restoration of physiological balances. At this point, the role of the attending physician is to ensure stability and prevent deterioration.

Today, thanks to the tremendous development and price reduction of medical sensors, a new medical field of algorithms is being developed to detect ominous clinical changes among patients. The combination of monitoring that can be performed for all patients in the hospital (or alternatively in the home environment) and the digital ability to detect risk by a system automatically opens the door for change in the global medical system.

These advances will prevent unnecessary hospitalizations while leaving the patient monitored. Patients will be released after the acute condition and returned to their home environment. They will continue to be monitored, which will lessen the burden on the health system all year round, but especially in epidemic conditions and severe winter days.

We are at the beginning of an era in which the doctor will be able to monitor hundreds of patients recovering as an alternative to hospitalization or after their release, while reducing the risk of unmonitored exacerbations that exist in the system today.

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